Brazilian Butt Lift
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Newport Beach, CA

A brazilian buttlift is currently the fastest growing cosmetic procedure in the country. It offers a full body transformation by contouring the body through liposuction which is then used for fat transfer to the buttocks for additional fullness. With so many celebrities and sports stars being known and recognized by their fuller backside, it is no wonder that women are coming to Dr. Bandy to have the procedure completed. Whether a patient is looking to fill out the jeans that seem to have nothing in the rear holding them up, or a patient is looking for a voluptuous physique, a brazilian buttlift is the favorite procedure of thousands of women across the country.
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Who is Brazilian Butt Lift recommended for?

The ideal candidates for liposuction are those who are close to their ideal weight and have fatty areas that are unresponsive to exercise and diet that they would like contoured. For those patients that are moderately overweight, liposuction could be an incentive for additional weight loss through proper diet and exercise. Liposuction alone should not be a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Ideal liposuction patients have good skin tone and good skin elasticity, are clear of stretch marks, thus allowing skin to properly tighten after the removal of fat without leaving results skin looseness.
Depending on what a patient’s expectations and requests are, a patient may choose to have a small amount of fat removed in order to give them the added volume that they request, however, many patients choose to do a full body sculpting via liposuction and have all or a portion of the removed fat transferred to their gluteal region.
How can I prepare?
As for any surgery, a patients’ health and well-being is our main priority. We require that patients who are undergoing surgery be healthy with normal lab work (your labs will be performed within 2 weeks of surgery). Furthermore, Dr. Bandy provides patients with a vitamin protocol to being before surgery to aid in the recovery and healing process. During your consultation 2 weeks before surgery, our staff will thoroughly review with you all important information that needs to be completed prior to surgery in order to ensure the best outcome and easiest recovery possible.
Will anesthesia be administered?
Yes, the procedure will be performed under a general anesthetic.
Is painful?
Following the procedure patients will be prescribed pain medication in order to minimize discomfort. The amount of discomfort varies depending on a patient’s own level of pain tolerance, as well as the type and amount of surgery performed.
What if I am sick before?
If a patient is noted to be sick prior to a procedure, it is advised to contact Dr. Bandy’s office immediately to discuss the best way to move forward.
How long before I see results?
Results of a Brazilian butt lift can be seen immediately, however bruising and swelling may take 4 weeks or longer to fully resolve. For any fat transfer procedure, a portion of the transferred fat will reabsorb prior to receiving the blood supply that is being constructed for the newly transferred fat. It is hard to predict what percentage will be absorbed. However, estimates of 15%-30% are typical for an absorption rate. Therefore, the amount of volume added immediately following surgery will be larger due to overcompensation of fat transferred, along with swelling. Therefore, it typically takes at least 6 weeks until the majority of true result can be seen.
Is scarring expected after?
If the incisions are inside the nose, you would not see the scars. To reduce scarring, Typically incision sites for liposuction are extremely small and are hidden in natural folds or inconspicuous areas of the body. Incisions typically heal well and scarring is minimal.
Can I drive home after?
If you are having surgery under a general anesthetic, you will need someone to drive you home after surgery.
Should I try avoiding touching the area after?
After surgery it is advised to avoid touching the incision areas as they will be covered with steri-strips.
What activity should I refrain from after?
Following a Brazilian butt lift, patients are advised to try to avoid placing direct pressure on the buttocks area. Patients are also advised to limit going up and down stairs to once a day for 2 weeks. While climbing stairs, you are to do it slowly, one step at a time. DO NOT stay in bed or be sedentary for prolonged periods of time as this increases your risk of blood clots. Do not over exert yourself. Avoid strenuous activity and exertional exercise for at least 3 weeks. No lifting over 5 pounds for 2 weeks.
Do I need to take any medication after?
A patient is usually prescribed an antibiotic and a pain medication. If a patient is undergoing a general anesthesia, sometimes they are prescribed an anti-nausea medication to combat any feelings of nausea that some patients experience after having a general anesthesia.
What is the average cost?
The cost for a Brazilian butt lift procedure depends on the complexity of the case as well as how many areas of liposuction are performed and how much fat is being transferred. In order to obtain an accurate price for your surgery we advise meeting with Dr. Bandy for a consultation.
Are there financing options?
The patient has multiple financing options. For example, the patient can pay for the surgery on credit card, and make monthly payments back to their credit card. Additionally, CareCredit is a financing company specific for cosmetic surgery; patients can apply for CareCredit, and there are multiple options for CareCredit. Sometimes, patients opt to make payments directly to the office. This is a prepayment plan where a patient would pay until he or she pays the entire balance for the surgery; then, they would have their surgery.
What is the recovery time and the healing process?
Patients that undergo a liposuction procedure are usually required to wear a compression garment for several weeks to achieve maximum results. Patients may get bruising to the treated areas of the body that can last for several weeks. Bruising can be minimized with arnica and bromelain supplements started pre-operatively and continued through the healing process. Pain can be controlled by medication that is prescribed at the time of the pre-operative appointment which is usually 2 weeks prior to the scheduled surgical date. In addition to the recovery from the liposuction, there will be a recovery from the fat being transferred. Because the gluteus maximus is a large muscle, patients will experience some discomfort when sitting or placing any pressure on that area, as well as discomfort when using those muscles. This discomfort should subside within the first week after the procedure, however, patients will still be encouraged to reduce pressure to the gluteal region during the healing process.
Is there a post-operative recovery facility that you recommend?
We do have a post operative recovery facility that we refer our patients to in Orange County, CA and Los Angeles, CA. In these situations, they will be picked up by the post operative care facility from our recovery room and brought to the recovery center where they are recovered overnight, and then brought back the next day for their follow up appointment.
We are here to listen and address your concerns.Schedule A Consultation
– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience
What is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?
The Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure to enhance the shape and volume of the buttocks through fat transfer. The entire silhouette of the body is improved, as the body is sculpted to remove fat deposits. These fat deposits are then meticulously handled and through a sterile closed system, transferred to the buttocks through very small incisions and multiple tissue planes.
Does the fat stay once it is transferred?
Approximately 20-30% of the fat can degenerate prior to complete vascularization, but the majority becomes living viable tissue within 6 weeks, thus enhancing the buttocks and maintaining shape and fullness. In addition, through processes that have not been completely understood, the quality of the skin has been shown to improve as well.Because your own tissue is being transferred, your body does not reject it as a foreign object, instead, it provides a blood supply to this tissue. A portion of the transferred fat will reabsorb prior to receiving the blood supply that is being constructed for the newly transferred fat. It is hard to predict what percentage will be absorbed, however, estimates of 15%-30% are typical for an absorption rate. A patient is strongly encouraged not to compress the area and to put as little pressure as possible on the area for the first 6 weeks after the procedure in order to obtain their best results.
Will the fat removed during liposuction grow back with weight gain?
This is a question that until answered correctly, sometimes haunts patients. Humans are born with a certain number of fat cells that will increase during puberty. Each individual cell can grow bigger or smaller with weight gain or weight loss, but additional fat cells typically only grow when a person has become morbidly obese (100% over their ideal body weight). A patient that continues with an improper diet and no exercise can still gain weight as each fat cell that remains can still significantly expand. The fat that is accumulated with weight gain still needs to be stored somewhere, and with fat cells in areas treated with liposuction having been reduced, fat is stored in the fat cells that remain. This is why it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle after any liposuction treatment.
Do you recommend a compression garment after surgery?
Patients that undergo a liposuction procedure are usually required to wear a compression garment for several weeks to achieve maximum results. These garments provide firm compression and support to suctioned areas, also allowing for skin retraction to optimize final body contour. The garments used are to be worn on a continuous basis day and night, and should only be removed for bathing. Dr. Bandy does provide the first surgical garments for her patients, however additional garment purchased can be purchased at an additional cost from our office. The amount of time a patient is required to wear this specialty garment is determined by Dr. Bandy and varies depending on the area(s) that are treated, how much fatty tissue is suctioned and how the patient is healing.