
Plastic Surgery
Information about plastic surgery in Anaheim. Information about breast implants augmentation, liposuction, face lift and more.
Historically, rhinoplasty surgery was performed to improve the cosmetic appearance of the nose through reduction of the cartilage and bones of the nose. Now, rhinoplasty is performed for a multitude of reasons, including adding structure to the nose, not just reduction. The nasal tip can be refined by either removing or adding cartilage, repositioning the cartilages, or both. The bridge or dorsum of the nose can be reduced if there is a hump, or cartilage can be added if the nose is not prominent enough. The alae, or nostrils, can be reduced or re-positioned as needed. The nose can be elongated, or shortened.
Liposuction surgery offers the ability to remove fat cells from a specific area, thus altering the amount of fat in the area and the shape of that specific area. Ultrasound, power assisted liposuction or laser liposuction can improve the ease of removal for the surgeon, as it can cause the fat particle to explode and become more liquified. Tumescent liposuction permits the fat to be suspended in a liquid medium, and decreases the amount of bleeding during the procedure. This decreases the amount of bruising and post operative pain.
Breast Lift
Depending on how much ptosis there is, and whether or not an implant is being placed, there are several options for breast lifting. The Benelli Lift, or peri-areola lift, will move the nipple areola complex up to a few centimeters by tightening the skin in a circular fashion around the nipple areola complex. This procedure is ideal for breasts that do not have much skin laxity, but have a low nipple areola complex. This procedure is often done to improve the location of the nipple areola complex when placing implants, or when there is asymmetry from one side to the other.
Information about plastic surgery in Anaheim, California. Information about breast augmentation, liposuction, face lift and more.
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– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience