Vaginal Tightening & Rejuvenation – Laser
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Newport Beach, CA

Do you suffer from bladder leakage when you laugh? Have you noticed decreased vaginal secretions that may be impairing your sex life? Have you noticed a loss of vaginal tightness after childbirth? Do you have vaginal irritation, itchiness or dryness? Learn more about Vaginal Tightening at our Newport Beach, Orange County office.
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Who is Vaginal Rejuvenation Recommended for?

V-lase can provide improvement for a variety of symptoms due to the normal aging process, childbirth, menopause, or breast cancer.
How can I prepare?
You will come in for an office visit roughly 2 weeks prior to your first V-Lase treatment. At this visit, we will discuss your goals, whether you are a candidate for V-Lase, and your personalized treatment plan.
Will anesthesia be administered?
No, V-Lase is comfortable and pain-free, so no anesthesia, pharmacological preparation, or local anesthetic is required.
Is painful?
Patients normally state they can feel “something” in the vaginal area being treated, but say it is definitely not painful.
What if I am sick before?
If a patient is noted to be sick prior to a procedure, it is advised to contact Dr. Bandy’s office immediately to discuss the best way to move forward.
How long before I see results?
Many women experience noticeable results after just the first treatment of a three treatment protocol. After your three treatments, we recommend being re-evaluated every 9-12 months to determine if a “touch up” treatment is recommended.
Is scarring expected after?
V-Lase works by gently heating the vaginal tissues in a controlled setting, thus stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, and new microvasculature.
Can I drive home after?
What activity should I refrain from after?
Nothing! There is no downtime with the V-Lase.
Do I need to take any medication?
No medication is required following a V-Lase treatment.
What is the average cost?
V-Lase treatment cost can vary depending on the treatment needed. Most patients typically require a series of 2-3 treatments, therefore, we do offer discounts for 3-treatment packages. Call our office to learn about pricing and specials.
Are there financing options?
The patient has multiple financing options. For example, the patient can pay for the surgery on credit card, and make monthly payments back to their credit card. Additionally, CareCredit is a financing company specific for cosmetic surgery; patients can apply for CareCredit, and there are multiple options for CareCredit. Sometimes, patients opt to make payments directly to the office. This is a prepayment plan where a patient would pay until he or she pays the entire balance for the surgery; then, they would have their surgery.
What is the recovery time and the healing process?
There is no downtime following a V-Lase treatment, and patients may resume all activity immediately following treatment (including sexual intercourse).
Is there a post-operative recovery facility that you recommend?
We do have a post operative recovery facility that we refer our patients to in Orange County, CA and Los Angeles, CA. In these situations, they will be picked up by the post operative care facility from our recovery room and brought to the recovery center where they are recovered overnight, and then brought back the next day for their follow up appointment.
We are here to listen and address your concerns.Schedule A Consultation
– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience
What has V-lase been shown to improve?
V-Lase has been shown to improve:
– Stress Urinary Incontinence
– Sexual Gratification and Burning/Painful Intercourse
– Vaginal Dryness, Irritation, and Itchiness
– Vaginal Atrophy
– Epithelial Elasticity
What is V-lase Laser Treatment?
V-Lase is a pain-free, non-surgical alternative to vaginal surgery. The V-Lase treatment requires no anesthesia, no pain, no bleeding, and no downtime!
How does V-Lase work?
V-Lase works by heating the vaginal tissue in a controlled setting which stimulates fibroblast activity & angiogenesis as well as stimulating new collagen formation. This is all done without thermal damage and there is no downtime, no bleeding and no pain. This is a quick and safe procedure that is performed without anesthesia and you can return to your normal life immediately.
How long is the V-lase Laser Treatment?
The V-lase is a quick, 15-minute treatment.
What if I experience any complications?
As with any procedure or treatment, should you have any questions regarding your procedure please call our office so that we may further assist you. Your safety and satisfaction is of utmost importance.
Final thoughts on L-Lase laser treatment
Start feeling like the woman you were before having children and the age related changes have affected the one area of your body that is so personal and can be embarrassing to talk about. Restore your intimate life. Feel comfortable in your own skin again. Fight the way hormones have changed your delicate areas and enjoy being a woman again. The V-lase is the quickest, easiest way to transform your body to the the way you remember it being before. We would love to answer any questions you may have about the V-lase!Explore your options for vaginal rejuvenation today. Contact our office to schedule your appointment.
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